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CIRCLESQRKelly Bennett Ottawa Squad Leader

One of Kelly’s earliest memories is spending weekends concocting strange combinations of whatever they could find in the kitchen cupboards into a meal (generally in sandwich form). Sometimes the food didn’t turn out so great, but a lifelong love of baking, cooking and all things food were born early on for Kelly. They’ve tried a multitude of food lifestyles (vegan, gluten free, vegetarian, low-carb, raw vegan) and managed to find the foodie angle for each and every one. They  believes there’s no one way to love food or yourself, and hopes to spread that message with Fat Girl Food Squad.

Kelly is a television aficionado, a social media whizkid and one of the people behind the Canadian branch of Guerrilla Feminism. An activist, advocate and asskicker, Kelly’s often found trawling hashtags for trolls. Constantly learning and reading, Kelly tends to consume way too much media, and enjoys taking pictures of their cats, dog and food. Find them on personal twitter at @catpennies.


CIRCLESQRMC Bennett Ottawa Squad Leader

MC grew up on two opposing ends of the culinary world; her grandma served up traditional Quebecois cuisine consisting of tourtière, bouilli and pâté chinois while her mother expressed a deep love of France and Italy through European style dishes.These two differing foundations gave MC a love of complex gastronomie as well as simple home cooking.

From Parisian bistros and baguettes to poutine and diner coffee in Ottawa, MC is a foodie through and through. A former art school kid, film school drop-out, reluctant public servant, television and film production assistant, and diner waitress, she’s currently in love with her career in the social media field. You can find her on her personal twitter at @hello_mcee.

MC believes in fighting for fat activism and its intersectionality with feminism. She’s loving being able to spread some fat feminist pride to the world through Fat Girl Food Squad.


CIRCLESQRStephanie Hudson Ottawa Squad Member 

Raised in an adventurous and food-loving family, Stephanie was encouraged to always be open to new experiences (especially delicious ones). This has resulted in her being fortunate enough to have tried dishes from all over the world. From nasi goreng in Kuala Lumpur to Alligator burgers in New Orleans, you’d be hard pressed to find a food Steph isn’t willing to try.

As a current Neuroscience graduate student and hopeful future physician, Stephanie aims to spread FGFS’s message of body positivity within the world of medicine.



Traci Ward Squad Member
Traci is a cheeseburger lovin’, pizza eatin’ vegan wannabe, fat chick.
“I love cheese! What is it about cheese?!” – Jerri Blank, Strangers with Candy
That’s what Traci says to herself when she tries to give it up.
She grew up with her Dad and sister. A typical Friday night dinner was at a fast food restaurant. While she was in photography school, she dreamed about culinary school. She made her boyfriend keep the cable so she could watch The Food Network. Traci hasn’t cooked a piece of meat in a year, but can transform a block of tofu into something tasty. She wants to move to the country to have a garden big enough to live off of, but until that happens she’ll settle with her balcony garden in suburbia.
Traci lives with Chris her big bearded vegan boyfriend and their doggy named Charles.

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