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Amanda Spinosa Cadet

As an old soul raised in New York with a wicked sense of humor and sarcastic tongue, Amanda is a 2014 graduate of the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. She has a degree in Visual and Critical Studies and focuses primarily on screen printing, philosophy and doodling. She takes great pride in her collection of over 100 vinyl records from punk to big band to 90s hip hop. Her friends refer to her as Spiz or Spinoze because she’s rarely the only Amanda.

When she isn’t hiking, laughing or petting dogs, she’s immersed in feminism, self-love and doodling. She spends a lot of her free time climbing mountains, doing yoga and eating. Mostly eating. She’ll try anything once, and she means it; she’s eaten crickets before and actually enjoyed it. Once a major carnivore, she’s now newly vegetarian. Though this was a major, and ill-favored change, the one thing that remains constant is her love for cooking.


This is Amanda’s first time contributing to a food publication, though she’s been involved with a number of art zines, blogs and galleries.

Follow her on Instagram (@frickinheck) and check out her art at

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